On-Demand Sermons/Body Language
On-Demand Sermons/Body Language
People are attracted to the head of the church (Christ), but they find the body parts (us – members) unappealing. In the Body Language introductory sermon, Pastor Johns teaches that it’s not the fact that we are members that makes us important, but the fact that we are fitted with “energeia” from being “knit together” to the head.
Who is the head of the church? It’s not the pastor, or the deacon board, or the family that has been members the longest, or the person who donates the most money. In “Body Language: The Head”, Pastor Johns teaches that true leadership models the headship of Jesus: it is submissive, sanctified and sacrificial.
Are death and life in the power of the tongue? If you take a look at the seven things God says He hates in Proverbs 6:16-19, you’ll notice that three of the seven things listed relate to the tongue. If you’re someone who’s careless with your words, you’ll want to listen to this sermon where Pastor Johns shows how this “small” body part can wield death and destruction.
We cannot live if our heart does not beat. Even if we are considered brain dead, as long as the heart keeps beating, even if it’s with the aid of a machine, we are still considered “alive”. We therefore need to do whatever it takes to protect that body part. In this sermon, Pastor Johns tell us how to wear Christ’s love as our heart protection.
In this sermon, Pastor Johnson shares that while the heart is the seat of our motivation, our hands display our dedication. As members of the body of Christ, we are called to be His hands. He expects us to actively show our appreciation for Him by serving our fellow man with a cheerful spirit.
Daniel’s prayer after the wise men set a trap for him show us that regardless of what’s going on in the world, faithfulness to God via is non-negotiable. You never know who is inspecting and being impacted by your prayers. Listen to this sermon and hear Pastor Johns explain why it’s important that we remain on our knees.
As a people, blacks have long experienced bondage – from our days in Africa to the various forms of bondage we’ve experienced in this country. However, Pastor Johns reminds us that Christ has freed us from the bondage that has been holding us back the most, and it is our responsibility now to use our feet to share that wonderful message.