North: The Relaunch

new-website-home-for-blogWait a minute! What’s going on here?  When did we get this new website?

I know you have lots of questions, and I’m happy to answer them.

Yes – North has a new website!   I’d like to first thank our Communications department, who, under the leadership of former director Gary Dawkins, has done an awesome job getting the new site ready for us.  

Why a relaunch?  For any organization to be viable in this digital age, it has to be visible in the digital world.  According to a recent Arbitron study, the Internet has surpassed television as the most essential medium.  Specifically, it is more important to the 12 to 44 demographic than TV. We are now living in a culture that is completely plugged-in.

It is said that 9 out of 10 people who are thinking about visiting a church for the first time visit the church’s website first!  I know I do.  So a church’s website now becomes an “online visitor’s packet”, as people from the community, or even around the world for that matter, check it out online before making a decision to actually come through the front doors.  We therefore needed to create an online experience representative of North Church that would help people understand that we are a place for people giving God a chance or even a last chance.  We wanted to make our church look like a place they would be happy to visit!

Of course, the website is not just for our guests.  We’ll continue to provide useful information and resources for our members.  As time goes on, we will be asking you to contribute to the website’s content, by way of blogs, video testimonies and the like.  So be prepared to be used by God in ways conducive to reaching our GLOBAL, social-media savvy, online Christian community.

You may have noticed that we have a new domain – (make sure you bookmark it!)  In keeping with the new website and domain, we have also updated our social media presence.  We will be decommissioning our current Twitter and Instagram accounts.  Be sure you are following our new accounts:

Twitter:  @thenorthchurch
Instagram:  @thenorthchurch
Snapchat:  @thenorthchurch
Periscope:  @thenorthchurch

Our YouTube channel stays the same.  And of course – you need to like us on Facebook!

Finally, go ahead and explore the site and let us know what you think about it!  Also, please help us share the news via e-mail, text, FaceBook, Twitter or even snap a screenshot of it and post it on Instagram.

Be Blessed & A Blessing,

Pastor Marquis D. Johns

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